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Upcoming Events

Become a part of " A Day In The Park"

Fill out form below and Email us at 

the Community Health Workers for BTG received at the 1st Community Health Workers (CHWs) conference with Dignity Health! It feels amazing to be recognized for the support, and advocacy work that we perform with compassion. Thank you Dignity Health! 


Our Programs

It's T.I.M.E.

A transition program designed by BTG to assist and support Adults living with Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell traits.

Sickle Cell Support Groups

A monthly virtual support group for adult warriors, families, caregivers, and persons via zoom!

Adult SCD Foundation Scholarship

BTG has established a college scholarship program to assist individuals living with Sickle Cell Disease attending an institution of higher learning in the United States.

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(Hydrea, HU, Droxia)

Ages 2 & Over



Ages 5 & Over



Ages 4 & Over



Ages 16 & Over

Current Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Options
(Click on each one below to learn more!)

Our Organizational Goals

At Bridging The Gap Our Goal

is committed to providing services, programs, and opportunities that substantially improve the lives of Sickle Cell Warriors. In our efforts, we aspire to enhance their quality of life by ensuring access to quality healthcare and patient-oriented services.


Our mission is all-encompassing - we are focused on not only addressing immediate health concerns but fostering lasting relationships with the community and partner organizations for ongoing support. Furthermore, we endeavor to inspire Sickle Cell Warriors, equipping them with the skills needed to shape the life they desire. Our ultimate aim lies not just in coping with the condition, but in empowering our warriors to lead a fulfilling, self-determined life.

At Bridging The Gap Our Mission

is to meet the needs of Sickle Cell Warriors, caregivers and families through services such as medical, educational, and social resources and see them readily available throughout the State of Nevada. Programs provided are monthly group meetings- which include our Transition program called “Its Time” for young people transitioning in life, from ages 13 to 25; a general support group for Adults and Caregivers, and a support group meet up for Men Only. We also host 4 events a year at this time to bring education and awareness to the Las Vegas community.

Our Mission

Our Vision

At Bridging The Gap Our Vision

is to help Sickle Cell Disease families live a limitless and less challenging life; to see beyond the pain, dream pass the disease, and move forward in spite of. We also worked with Senator Neal in the writing of the first Sickle Cell bill that addresses the need for surveillance and some changes to the only medication in 2019 that was FDA approved for Sickle Cell patients. Thank you Governor Sisolak for signing Bill AB254.

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Supporting Sickle Cell Warriors

We're dedicated to helping our Sickle Cell Warriors thrive!

Should you require additional support, simply complete the form below, and our team will be glad to assist you.

Thanks for submitting!

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9am - 5pm (Tuesday - Saturday)

Bridging the Gap-Adult Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc is a 501(c)3 nonprofit registered in the state of Nevada. Tax identification 84-4208373. Please contact us via phone or email for more information on the available assistance we can provide to families impacted by sickle cell disease. Permission to use the Bridging the Gap (BTG)-Adult Sickle Cell Disease Foundation logo or foundation name, in any variation, is subject to the terms and conditions expressly agreed upon in writing with approval from the BTG Board of Directors. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Copyright © 2024 Adult Sickle Cell Disease Foundation Of Nevada - All Rights Reserved. Site designed by Moore Marketing Agency

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